Healthcare messages for children

Would somebody please think of the children! Well, we have. We work closely with maternity, antenatal and paediatric departments in many NHS hospitals to provide the best healthcare messages for children and the people who look after them. We’ve got messages about pregnancy care, midwifery, birth and the whole spectrum of prenatal healthcare.

We particularly like this message from University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It speaks about the use of a birthing pool as one of the facilities available to women who give birth there. It’s clear, concise and helps women to make an educated choice about their birthing plan, directing them to the next step should they have any more questions.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust are another Trust that we’ve helped to build great children’s messages.  Whether it’s informing people about the great work of their Children’s Hospital Trust Fund and encouraging them to donate; or just explaining how well they care for your children; these messages are reassuring and calming in a time when life is probably stressful and complicated.

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This Giggle Doctors message is especially lovely. People think of hospitals as drab, sterile, and boring. They think of them as depressing and a terrible place for children. This message shows the lighter side of hospital life. While the medical staff work to make your children sprightly and healthy again, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Trust bring in ‘Giggle Doctors’ to entertain the young ones and to keep their spirits high. Knowing that the high level of care provided isn’t just restricted to medicine provides comfort to parents and caregivers.

We also create warning messages like the ones below:

Everyone is concerned about their child’s health and wellbeing. Knowing the warning signs of diabetes in children and who to talk to is a great first step. Reminding caregivers about storing their medicines away safely helps to prevent accidents and future hospital visits. These messages help to keep children safe.

We also have messages like the one below, also from UCLH. Healthy eating is a hugely important topic today, and everyone should know that UCLH is committed to nutritious choices for their youngest patients.


The paediatrics department in any hospital can be a hectic and confusing place. These messages reassure visitors and patients alike, while keeping everyone informed about hospital services and the support networks available. It helps that messages with cute kids always garner a lot of attention in the waiting room!

But what about those of you who don’t like cute kids? You’re not interested, right? There’s nothing you can take from these messages…. well, as luck has it, we’ve got messages for you too:




Healthcare messages for men