5 Fab Summer Messages

Finally it’s getting warmer in the UK. It’s good to be down to just the two pairs of socks at once instead of the standard winter 5. All jokes aside, with the change of season we begin to see a change in the types of messages that Trusts need to put on their patient information screens. What kind of information is pertinent to the summer time hospital user? I’m glad you asked. Here are 5 I prepared earlier. We created these messages for Imperial Hospital Healthcare NHS Trust, but quite honestly, these would all be brilliant on every NHS Trust patient information screen throughout the country. Of course, differences in templates, photography and personalisation of each message would be greatly embraced by our creative team. Let’s keep things fresh this summer.


While enjoying the long, hot days of Summer you should still remember to rehydrate properly! This helpful message also includes a list of the best and worst beverages for your health.


Hay fever

If you suffer from hay fever you will be well aware of how awful it can be. If you live with someone who suffers from hay fever you will be more than well aware of how awful it can be. This message gives patients all the options when it comes to treating the condition, and what to do if their symptoms are severe. Useful stuff.


Insect bites and stings

It’s summer, and we’re all rolling around in the grass, we’ve forgotten what shoes are and the garden is our favourite place in the world. Not just us, apparently. Your jubilant display of flesh in the grass may have just angered a bee or another nasty stinging critter. In some cases this is life threatening. Getting the information out to the public about how to treat stings and bites and when it’s necessary to call 999 is hugely important this season.


Keeping fit

Spring and summer are the best seasons for keeping fit in my opinion, because it’s so easy. You can exercise outside, in the park even; all while socialising with friends or family.  Beach games, family bike rides and long walks all contribute to the 150 minutes of exercise per week that everyone needs. Inspire your patients and staff with this message and let them know how easy it is!


Skin cancer

While we all love soaking up the rays and taking off the big, heavy overcoats we know that too much sun can be dangerous. We need to be sensible, and these sun smart tips could help save lives. The message also explains the first signs of possible skin cancer and when to have it checked by a GP. Keep your patients safe in the sun this summer.

There are many other summer and warm weather healthcare messages that would be really useful to have on patient messaging screens in hospitals. If you have any ideas about new messages or things that you’d like to see on our screens please let us know.


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